Sunday, January 27, 2008

Master Your Anxiety and Stress!

What keeps you awake at night?? Do you toss and turn, struggling to find a way to master your stress and anxiety? If you're like everyone else, then this probably happens to you more than you like. Dr. Jennifer Fee and Dr. Diana Walcutt are The Stress Masters! We are Licensed Psychologists trained in the most effective way to help you! Together, we have 30 years experience and over 10 years of working together as The Stress Masters. Dr. Fee is in Southern California, and Dr. Walcutt is in Baltimore Maryland. Either of us would be delighted to help you personally; just contact us at to learn how!

We can help you conquer your fears in just a few minutes a day, and you can do it by contacting us directly, getting our free newsletter, or finding out more about the CD's we offer. If you feel that you need a coach to help you through the day, we offer phone sessions and we accept credit cards.

But enough about our expertise -- we want to offer you something that you can use RIGHT NOW! Read the post "Breathing Lessons" below.

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